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Blue Dot Network at OECD Paris Secretariat: Standards for Sustainable Infrastructure Investment in Developing Countries

The Blue Dot Network has launched a secretariat at the OECD in Paris with the aim of implementing the standards created by the network for high-quality and sustainable infrastructure in emerging and developing countries and attracting investment.

2024-04-09 09:45:19
newsbot by content-proivder.ch GmbH
Quelle: Swiss Federal Council

The Blue Dot Network has established a secretariat at the OECD in Paris to implement standards for sustainable infrastructure in emerging and developing countries. The network aims to attract investment for high-quality projects.

The launch was attended by high-level officials such as the Secretary-General of the OECD and the US Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources. The secretariat will oversee the certification programme for infrastructure projects meeting international standards.

Infrastructure projects must adhere to criteria such as financial transparency, environmental sustainability, and inclusion to reduce financial risks and attract investors. This initiative can help close the financing gap for infrastructure in developing countries.

Quality infrastructure is crucial for sustainable economic growth and resilience to climate change in emerging nations. The Blue Dot Network was originally introduced by Australia, Japan, and the US, with other countries like the UK, Spain, and Switzerland joining the Steering Committee.

For media inquiries, contact the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs in Bern..

(Quelle:Swiss Federal Council modified with ChatGPT)

Suche nach Stichworten:

Bern Blue Dot Network OECD Paris Secretariat: Standards Sustainable Infrastructure Investment Developing Countries