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Iran: Internationaler Untersuchungsmechanismus gegen Straflosigkeit notwendig

Amnesty International fordert ein Ende der weit verbreiteten Straflosigkeit im Iran.

  • Iran: Internationaler Untersuchungsmechanismus gegen Straflosigkeit notwendig
    Iran: Internationaler Untersuchungsmechanismus gegen Straflosigkeit notwendig (Bild: Amnesty International)
  • Iran: Internationaler Untersuchungsmechanismus gegen Straflosigkeit notwendig
    Iran: Internationaler Untersuchungsmechanismus gegen Straflosigkeit notwendig (Bild: Amnesty International)
  • Iran: Internationaler Untersuchungsmechanismus gegen Straflosigkeit notwendig
    Iran: Internationaler Untersuchungsmechanismus gegen Straflosigkeit notwendig (Bild: Amnesty International)
2022-09-22 12:10:09
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Quelle: Amnesty International

Sicherheitskräfte gehen in der iranischen Hauptstadt Teheran mit Gewalt gegen Protestierende vor, die Aufklärung im Fall der getöteten Mahsa Amini fordern (20. September 2022), wie Amnesty International berichtet.

Die anlässlich der UN-Vollversammlung in New York anwesenden Staats- und Regierungschefs müssen einen unabhängigen internationalen Untersuchungs- und Rechenschaftsmechanismus unterstützen, um die weit verbreitete Straflosigkeit in Iran zu adressieren, fordert Amnesty International. Der Tod der 22-jährigen Mahsa Amini, die in Polizeigewahrsam starb, sowie die gewaltsame Unterdrückung der landesweiten, friedlichen Proteste zeigen einmal mehr, wie dringend notwendig ein solcher Mechanismus ist. Mindestens sechs Männer, eine Frau und ein Kind wurden während der Proteste am 19. und 20. September durch Sicherheitskräfte getötet.

Mindestens zwei weitere Menschen verloren entweder ein- oder beidseitig ihr Augenlicht. Hunderte Menschen wurden verletzt. Katja Müller-Fahlbusch, Expertin für die Region Naher Osten und Nordafrika bei Amnesty International in Deutschland, sagt: "Die iranische Regierung verletzt seit Jahren systematisch fundamentale Menschenrechte.

Willkürliche Verhaftungen, Folter, außergerichtliche Hinrichtungen sowie die brutale Niederschlagung von Protesten werden durch die grassierende Straflosigkeit gefördert. Die internationale Gemeinschaft sei dringend zum Handeln aufgerufen.Die Bundesregierung habe in ihrem Koalitionsvertrag die Menschenrechte als unverzichtbare Grundlage ihrer Außenpolitik definiert.

Sie muss dieser Selbstverpflichtung jetzt in aller Deutlichkeit und Schnelligkeit Rechnung tragen. Wir appellieren an die Bundesregierung sich bei der UN-Vollversammlung öffentlich für einen internationalen Untersuchungsmechanismus in Iran auszusprechen und sich mit allen ihr zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln dafür einzusetzen." Die 22-jährige Mahsa Amini verstarb am 16. September in der iranischen Hauptstadt Teheran in Polizeigewahrsam.

World leaders at the UN General Assembly must support calls for the establishment of an independent international investigative and accountability mechanism to address the prevailing crisis of impunity in Iran. Their urgent need for action was demonstrated most recently by the death in custody of 22-year-old Mahsa (Zhina) Amini, and the barrage of gunfire unleashed on protesters which has left at least eight people dead and hundreds injured, Amnesty International said today.Iranian security forces are violently quashing largely peaceful protests sparked by Mahsa Amini’s death on 16 September, days after her violent arrest by the "morality police" for not complying with discriminatory compulsory veiling laws.

Amnesty International collected evidence on the security forces’ unlawful use of birdshot and other metal pellets, teargas, water cannon, and beatings with batons to disperse protesters."The Iranian authorities’ latest brutal crackdown on protests coincides with Ebrahim Raisi’s speech at the UN. He has been given a platform on the world stage, despite credible evidence of his involvement in crimes against humanity, in a stark reminder of the devastating impact of the repeated failure of UN member states to tackle impunity for grave crimes in Iran."Eine junge Frau beteiligt sich am 21. September 2022 in der iranischen Hauptstadt Teheran an Protesten gegen die Regierung.

Die Demonstrierenden fordern, dass der Tod der 22-jährige Mahsa Amini aufgeklärt wird.  Amnesty International has recorded the deaths of six men, one woman and one child during protests on 19 and 20 September in the provinces of Kurdistan (4), Kermanshah (2) and West Azerbaijan (2). Of these, at least four died from injuries sustained from security forces firing metal pellets at close range.At least two other people have lost sight in one or both eyes.

Hundreds more, including children, have sustained painful injuries amounting to torture or other ill-treatment due to the unlawful use of birdshot and other munitions against them.Eyewitnesses reported that at least three men (Fereydoun Mahmoudi in Saqqez, Kurdistan province; Farjad Darvishi in Urumieh, West Azerbaijan province; and an unidentified man in Kermanshah, Kermanshah province) and one woman (Minou Majidi in Kermanshah, Kermanshah province) died from fatal injuries caused by metal pellets during protests on 19 and 20 September. Four other victims, Reza Lotfi and Foad Ghadimi in Dehgolan, Kurdistan province; Mohsen Mohammadi in Divandareh, Kurdistan province; and 16-year-old boy Zakaria Khial in Urumieh were killed.

Human rights defenders told Amnesty International that according to their sources on the ground, they were shot by security forces but did not have any additional information on the types of munitions used.Consistent eyewitness accounts and video footage leave no doubt that those firing weapons during the protests belonged to Iran’s security forces. Extensive video evidence indicates that protesters in Kermanshah, Kurdistan and West Azerbaijan provinces, where protester deaths were recorded, were mostly peaceful.

In some places, some protesters engaged in stone-throwing and damaged police vehicles.* This in no way justifies the use of metal pellets, which is prohibited under all circumstances.The circumstances leading to the suspicious death in custody of 22-year-old young woman Mahsa Amini, which include allegations of torture and other ill-treatment in custody, must be criminally investigated. 1/2 pic.twitter.com/pcAVeTWUnWAccording to a primary source interviewed by Amnesty International, on 16 September, the first day of protests, security forces in Saqqez fired birdshot at 18-year-old Nachirvan Maroufi at a distance of about 10 metres, resulting in him losing sight in his right eye.

The source said security forces also fired birdshot at another young man, 22-year-old Parsa Sehat, who consequently lost sight in both eyes.On 19 September, mass protests spread from Saqqez to other cities populated by Iran’s oppressed Kurdish minority including Baneh, Dehgolan, Divandareh, Kamyaran, Mahabad, and Sanandaj. Protesters, victims’ relatives, and journalists on the ground told Amnesty International that on that day alone, security forces injured hundreds of men, women, and children by repeatedly firing metal pellets at their heads and chests at close range, indicating intent to cause maximum harm.A protester from Mahabad described a similar pattern.

He said: "In response to people chanting 'Women, Life, Freedom’ and 'Death to the Dictator’, security forces fired weapons loaded with metal pellets, often from a distance of about 20-30 meters… They particularly targeted people in their head."Security forces violently arrested several hundred demonstrators, including children, both during the protests of 19 September and subsequent raids carried out during the night. An eyewitness reported seeing scores of arrested protesters in Kamyaran with fractured heads, noses or arms and bloodied bodies."Iran’s security forces will continue to feel emboldened to kill or injure protesters and prisoners, including women arrested for defying abusive compulsory veiling laws, if they are not held accountable.

With all avenues for accountability closed at the domestic level, the UN Human Rights Council has a duty to send a strong message to the Iranian authorities that those responsible for crimes under international law will not go unpunished," said Diana Eltahawy.According to eyewitnesses, Mahsa Amini was violently beaten while being forcibly transferred to Vozara detention centre in Tehran. Within hours, she was transferred to Kasra hospital having fallen into a coma.

She died three days later. Iranian authorities announced investigations while simultaneously denying any wrongdoing.

The promised investigation does not meet the requirements of independence as it is due to be carried out by the Ministry of Interior.* End Note - This press release is focused on the provinces of Kurdistan, Kermanshah and West Azerbaijan where protesters were killed. Amnesty International is investigating the crackdown of protests that have taken place in other cities across Iran since 19 September including Hamedan, Rasht, Shiraz, Tabriz, and Tehran.Rede von Amnesty-Generalsekretär Markus N.

Beeko auf der DFB-Konferenz "Menschenrechte: Vor, während und nach der WM in Katar"Sonia Mikich war Auslandskorrespondentin in Moskau und Chefredakteurin des WDR. Sie sei Schirmherrin des diesjährigen Marler Medienpreises von Amnesty.

Ein Gespräch.Amnesty International Deutschland e. V.

Zinnowitzer Straße 8, 10115 Berlin.

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Iran: Internationaler Untersuchungsmechanismus Straflosigkeit notwendig