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Swiss-US Energy Innovation Days: Inspiring Sustainable Solutions for 830 Years

Welcome Address by Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga, Casino Bern

2022-08-15 14:45:13
newsbot by content-proivder.ch GmbH
Quelle: Swiss Federal Council

Switzerland is known for its multilingualism and innovation in green technologies. Swiss companies like Joulia, Insolight, and Synhelion are inventing heat-conjuring helpers, efficient solar panels, and aviation fuel made from air and sun.

The city of Bern was founded in 1191 and has been the official seat of the federal Parliament and Government since 1848. It is clear that global issues like climate change and energy supply require joint solutions and efforts.

Small national challenges can quickly spread beyond borders, and the tone of conversations in society is growing more hostile. It is important to highlight and develop solutions, especially in the area of energy supply, to combat climate change.

The Swiss-US Energy Innovation Days aim to foster communication and collaboration. Switzerland has a history of innovative inventions like the zipper and Velcro.

The event in Bern is hoped to inspire sustainable energy solutions for the next 830 years..

(Quelle:Swiss Federal Council modified with ChatGPT)

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Bern Swiss-US Energy Innovation Days: Inspiring Sustainable Solutions 830 Years